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A Message From Matchroom Pool COO Emily Frazer

A Message From Matchroom Pool COO Emily Frazer

Players, fans, organisers and fellow lovers of the game,

Whilst we are all experiencing tremendously tough and uncertain times right now, there is an overwhelming amount of support and love in the pool air as we all fight this together.

During these anxious times, we aim to be completely transparent; two of our major events have been postponed but rest assured these will be rescheduled at a later date and when it is safe to do so. We are led by Government advice and restrictions and therefore events may continue to be rescheduled; the pool calendar will be disrupted due to broadcaster scheduling and venue availability but we will take each day as it comes and continue to inform you all of any changes.

We started the year on a great high with the Matchroom World Rankings, however there is now a lot of uncertainty surrounding the Mosconi team selections. Whilst no decisions have been made, we intend to adjust the process and will do so in a way we see fit and fair for all players. To our fellow organisers, sponsors and friends who have worked so hard with us this year we thank you for the support and wish you all the best through this difficult time.

So, we may be on lockdown but we are not giving up; we‘re brainstorming, working hard and determined our events will return better than ever. We will beat this and together we will make pool great again. If I have learnt anything during this period, it is that the pool community is a strong one.

Players, fans if you have entry fee or ticket concerns I urge that you reach out to us – we are here to help. In the meantime, everyone come together and enjoy our Mosconi Cup and US Open re-runs!

Most importantly, myself and the Matchroom Pool team send everyone our love.

Stay home and safe,

Emily Frazer

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